Land – Greenfield & Brownfield

Greenfield and Brownfield

Greenfield and Brownfield

Specialising in the identification and promotion of Greenfield & Brownfield sites, we work closely with our affiliated partners to provide for you a totally comprehensive service.
Our extensive knowledge in this field enables us to and therefore can advise on all land and property matters. These include;

  • Option Agreements
  • Promotion Agreements
  • Joint Venture Arrangements
  • Market Appraisals
  • Feasibility Studies
  • Planning Studies

We work in all sectors and boast a diverse client base in the Residential, Commercial, Care and Retail Sectors

Our Strategic Land Department specialise in the acquisition, planning and promotion of land throughout the UK for sustainable development purposes.

We promote strong working partnerships with other Landowners, Local Authorities, National Government and Community Groups to maximise land values and deliver long-term results.

Our team and affiliated partners are renowned for delivering new communities, forward-funding major regeneration projects and successfully tackling the planning issues associated with economically, socially or environmentally complex sites. We pride ourselves in achieving this whilst creating essential development value to all our clients.

We are backed by private funding partnerships who work collaboratively with our team and employ open book project management. This expertise ensures the flexibility to respond quickly and deliver the means to invest in projects over the short, medium and long term.

Previous Projects have included urban extensions, establishing new Greenfield communities, through to urban regeneration and the transfor- mation of derelict industrial sites.